Feedback Matters #3 – How should I respond to online reviews?

What advice do I give to clients who are scared of flipping their online reviews switch ‘On’? Here’s my quick and easy cheat sheet for when they take the plunge. Always say ‘Thank You’ regardless of how mundane, negative, or belligerent the feedback may be. Acknowledging and showing appreciation for a customer taking the timeContinue reading “Feedback Matters #3 – How should I respond to online reviews?”

Feedback Matters #2 – Direct Comments

“If you don’t care, your customer never will.” Marlene Blaszczyk, Founder and Editor of Beyond online reviews, many customers provide feedback via emails, web forms, and comments to sales or customer service reps. While these messages are more private in nature, they are direct. The customer has an even higher expectation of getting aContinue reading “Feedback Matters #2 – Direct Comments”

Feedback Matters #1 – Online Reviews

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest sources of learning.” Bill Gates, Co-founder of Microsoft There are many ways to get feedback from your customers. The most abundant and visible sources are online product and company reviews. When was the last time you researched a product or service and checked out the company or productContinue reading “Feedback Matters #1 – Online Reviews”